About us

We want your head ... For purely professional reasons. After all, we are hairdressers with body and soul. We are motivated, in a good mood and well trained: Therefore, close to trends and close to new technologies. Would you like to change your hair color or a new haircut? Then you are right with us. Let us know your wishes and ideas and we will implement them to your satisfaction.

With our premium brands Olaplex, the new care and styling brand Authentic Beauty Concept, as well as the launch of tbh by Schwarzkopf Pro, we are exactly in line with today's time, naturalness and sustainability. We look forward to getting to know you personally in the salon.


Our salon has been in the center of Solothurn for over 20 years. You can reach us in a short time from the parking garages, Bieltor, Baseltor, Berntor and from the train station.


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Here is a little insight into our services for women and men 

  • Olaplex treatments
  • Haircuts: Undercuts, Overcuts, Undone Bob, Bob, Longbob...
  • Haircuts for him: Classic, skin fades...
  • Colorationen: demi-permanent color, Global Color, Bi-Color, Dip-Dye, Sombré... 
  • Highligts: Foilyage, Foils, Balayage, Contouring...
  • Eyebrows corrections or color.
  • Eyelashes color



UNIQUE hairdesign

Schmiedengasse 13

4500 Solothurn

032 622 95 55






Montag 9:00 - 12.15 / 13.15 - 18.30 

Dienstag 9:00 - 12:00 / 13:30 - 18:00

Mittwoch 9:00 - 12:15 / 13:15 - 18:30

Donnerstag 9:00 - 19:00

Freitag 9:00 - 12:15 / 13:15 - 18:30

Samstag 9:00 - 16:30

Mit Krypto Währungen bei uns bezahlen

Die vereinbarten Termine werden ausdrücklich für Sie freigehalten. Sie werden daher gebeten, die Termine unbedingt einzuhalten oder rechtzeitig mindestens 12 Stunden vorher abzusagen,  Telefon: 032 622 95 55 oder

via E-Mail an: info@unique-hairdesign.ch.

Bei Nichterscheinen wird eine Ausfallgebühr von CHF. 90.- pro reservierte Stunde in Rechnung gestellt. 


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